Text information From CSToys Blog
The first press conference regarding the movie "Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider OOO & W feat. Skull: Movie Core War was held on the 26th September. Several actors appeared together and talked about what they felt about the movie. Below is a translated article from Oricon.
Kamen Rider W & OOO appearing together. Koji Kikkawa, the actor of the bride's father.
The movie "Kamen Rider OOO & W feat. Skull: Movie Core War" was announced the 26th September in a metropolitan area. Koji Kikkawa, Renn Kiriyama, Masaki Suda along with 11 other people from the cast as well as the director, Ryuta Tasaki. The actor of Kamen Rider OOO's Eiji Hino, Watanbe said "It's like a dream to co-star with them, it's definitely something worth to watch."
This film continues the previous story of Kamen Rider Skull. Koji Kikkawa said "The director told me, you are still in your prime 40's, you should be able to do this. So I accepted the role with my whole heart. "
The movie will be played out 10 years before episode 1 of the series, Kamen Rider W, as well as in thepresent time of Kamen Rider OOO. In this movie, Koji will appear alongside with his parter, Taro Yamamoto. (See picture above, the guy next to Koji is his partner) Taro said "I've been in the acting business for 19 years now, it's finally time for me to join the good looking Riders. Before shooting, I was actually offered a role in a Hollywood movie. I refused the offer and decided to star in this one instead."
When Taro was told that he was playing the partner, he said "We could make a spin off out of this."
In the film the brides and grooms, Minehiro Kinomoto (Accel), Hikaru Yamamoto (Akiko), Watanabe (Eiji) and Riho Takada (Hina) will be appearing in tuxedos and dresses.
It's the first time Takada has worn a wedding dress, while smiling she said "I am really happy, I am always learning something new. It's really fun!"
Hikaru on the other hand, said "I'll finally get married! It's only in the middle of the movie though."
Koji Kikkawa who plays Hikaru's father said "I don't even have a wife in real life, how am I supposed to be a father? Can someone teach me?"
Other actors such as, Ryosuke Miura and Kengo Ookuchi, appeared as well.
Japanese from Oricon
映画『仮面ライダー×仮面ライダー オーズ&ダブル feat.スカル MOVIE大戦CORE』(12月18日公開)の製作発表が26日、都内で行われ、吉川晃司、桐山漣、菅田将暉、渡部秀らキャスト11人と田崎竜太監督が出席した。仮面ライダーオーズ・火野映司役の渡部は「夢の共演ということで、とても見応えのある作品」と心踊らせ、前作に続き、仮面ライダースカルとして出演する吉川も「監督から『40代の働き盛り。まだまだできるぞ』と言われたので、誠心誠意やらせてもらってます」と再び気合いを入れ直した。
劇中で“新郎新婦”を演じる木ノ本嶺浩、山本ひかる、渡部、高田里穂は、豪華なタキシード&ドレス姿で登場。高田は憧れの初ウエディングドレス姿に終始笑顔で「とても嬉しい。(撮影は)毎日勉強の連続で、とても楽しかったです」。山本ひかるも「私、結婚します! 映画の中での話なんですが」と喜んだが、その父親役としての意気込みを聞かれた吉川は「まだ(プライベートで)嫁ももらっていないので…。どうやったら父ができるんだろう、逆に教えてください…頑張ります」とタジタジだった。
The image previews from the TV program in Japan. Short hair Shroud and the mystery of why shroud found Sokichi Narum to find Philip will be told in the movie.
The official website for the movie: http://ooo-w.com/
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